Gary Torgow

gary torgow

Gary Torgow is a talented businessman, author, and community leader. Today he serves as the Chairman of Huntington National Bank

Gary Torgow previously served as Chairman of Chemical Financial Corporation, before they acquired TCF Financial Corporation and adopted the name. Even before the acquisition, TCF was the largest bank headquartered in Michigan. 

Chemical Bank previously merged with Talmer Bank, where Mr. Torgow served as Founder and Chairman. Gary is also the founder of the Sterling Group, a Michigan-based real estate, development and investment company, which has acquired, developed and operated several important landmark properties in southeastern Michigan.

TCF Bank and Huntington Bank merged in June of 2021. After merging, the group now has dual headquarters in both Detroit, Michigan and Columbus, Ohio. The combined company and bank operates under the Huntington name and brand. Stephen D. Steinour now acts as the chairman, president and CEO of the company. Torgow is the chairman of the board of directors. 

The merger created a top 10 U.S. regional bank, with a market value of approximately $22 billion. Torgow believes that the partnership provides the companies with better investment opportunities in the community, more jobs, and a better customer experience.

Gary Torgow also serves on the board of DTE Energy and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. Gary Torgow previously served on the board of Jackson National Life Insurance Company of New York. Gary Torgow is also a Trustee of the Skillman Foundation, a private philanthropy group that serves as a champion of Detroit children. They work towards this goal in two main areas: Education and Economic Well-Being. Their work includes strengthening K-12 public education, after school learning opportunities, and college and career pathways. Gary is a member of the Executive Board of Business Leaders of Michigan and is a Trustee and Board member of the Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan. Gary Torgow also serves as a Trustee on the Board of Touro College and is a Senior Vice President of the Orthodox Union. Gary is the Board President of Detroit’s largest Jewish Day School, the Yeshiva Beth Yehudah and also serves as President of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. Mr. Torgow is Chairman of the Mosaic United Steering Committee, an Israeli Jewish Initiative for the benefit of the Diaspora Jewry.

Gary Torgow has served as a volunteer on numerous civic and communal boards, including the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation and the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, both of which he served as Chairman.

Gary Torgow

Rev. Wendell Anthony, Gary Torgow, Mayor Mike Duggan, Rev. Jesse Jackson

Gary has won numerous awards including the Frank A. Wetsman Leadership Award from the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, the NAACP’s Fannie Lou Hamer “Keeping the Spirit Moving” Award, the NAACP James Weldon Johnson Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Wayne State University Law School Outstanding Alumni Award.

Mr. Torgow is also the author of two books: Raising the Bar and Holy Warrior. He’s been a featured speaker at some of the nation’s most notable institutions and events.

Gary is a graduate of Yeshiva University and Wayne State University School of Law and is a member in good standing of the Michigan Bar Association. Gary Torgow is married with five children.

Gary Torgow